About Sapphire

Hi there! My name is Sapphire (not my real name! That's a secret!). I'm a 17 year old British girl. I love making crafty stuff and drawing manga!

About Crafts With Sapphire... I started writing this Blog about a year ago (from when I wrote this).    This Blog is dedicated to all things crafty!!! I mostly make tutorials about polymer clay! I like to make tutorials about jewellery. Usually I just update when I have an idea. I aim to make more unique (in a good way of course) tutorials that haven't been done before! I'm not exactly perfect, but I'm slowly getting better at making crafts :)

Lately, I've been doing a lot of Decoden, which is basically making your stuff look really OTT cute! It's definitely not for everybody, but I really like the way it looks!

I've recently taken up sewing, too!